Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS RICHARD W and RAGO STEPHEN A. Material type: Text Publication details: Asia Pearson Education 1993Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS RICHARD W and RAGO STEPHEN A. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Pearson Education 2014Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (13). Checked out (1). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE 2;34.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS RICHARD W and RAGO STEPHEN A. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: Dorling Pearson Education 2007Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE 2.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS RICHARD W and RAGO STEPHEN A. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: Uttar Pradesh Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd 2016Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (3). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE 2;48.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS W RICHARD AND RAGO STEPHEN A. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Pearson Education 2005Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (20). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE 2;2.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS RICHARD W. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Pearson Education 2006Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (5). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE;5.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by STEVENS RICHARD W. Material type: Text Publication details: DELHI Pearson education asia 1993Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (3). Location(s): Call number: 005.432 STE;2.
Introduction to Biostatistics and Research Methods by SUNDAR RAO P S S and RICHARD J. Edition: 4thMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2006Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (2). Location(s): Call number: 570.151 95 SUN 4.
Solving Problems in Genetics by KOWLES RICHARD. Material type: Text Publication details: New York Springer India Pvt Ltd 2001Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (5). Location(s): Call number: 575.1 KOW.
Water Waster and Health in Hot Climates by FEACHEM RICHARD , McGARRY MICHAEL and MARA DUNCAN. Material type: Text Publication details: London The English Laguage Book Society & John Wiley and Sons Publisher 1978Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 628.119 FEA.
Leadership Enhancing the Lessons of Experience by HUGHES RICHARD L, GINNETT ROBERT C AND CURPHY GORDON J. Edition: 6THMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi TMH Publishing Co Ltd 2009Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (2). Checked out (1). Location(s): Call number: 658.409 2 HUG 6.
Leadership by DAFT RICHARD L. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Cengage learning India Pvt LTD 2005Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (2). Location(s): Call number: 658.409 2 DAF.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing by LYONS RICHARD G. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Pearson Edication 2004Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.382 2 LYO 2.
Atmosphric tides by CHAPMAN SYDNEY and LINDZEN RICHARD S. Material type: Text Publication details: New York Gorden and Breach 1970Availability: No items available : Withdrawn (1).
Operations Management For Competitive Advantage by Richard B Chase, Robert Jacobs F and Nicholas J Aquilano. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Tata Mc Graw-Hill 2002Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (2). Location(s): Call number: 658.CHA;1658.
Windows NT Win32 API Super Bible by SIMON RICHARD J. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Techmedia 1998Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 005.133 SIM.
Antenna Engineering Handbook by JOHNSON RICHARD and JASIK HENRY. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New York Mc Graw-Hill Book Company 1984Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.384 135 JOH 2.
National Income and Expendature by RICHARD AND SIOVANNA STONE. Material type: Text Publication details: London Bowes and Bowes 1977Availability: No items available : Withdrawn (1).