Dr. Dobb's Jpurnal Series: ; 30Material type: Text Publication details: International CMP Media LLC, San Francisco 2005Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Bulletin of Materials Science Series: ; 30Material type: Text Publication details: National IAS 2007Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (2). : Location(s): .
Bulletin of Materials Science Series: ; 29Material type: Text Publication details: National IAS 2006Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (2). : Location(s): .
Aviation Week and Space Technology Series: ; 164Material type: Text Publication details: National McGraw-Hill 2006Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (2). : Location(s): .
Aviation Week and Space Technology Series: ; 163-164Material type: Text Publication details: National McGraw-Hill 2005-2006Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Electrical Engineering Update Series: ; 13-14Material type: Text Publication details: National B Varghese, Mumbai 2005-2006Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Electrical Engineering Update Series: ; 15Material type: Text Publication details: National B Varghese, Mumbai 2007Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Current Science by INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Series: ; 92Material type: Text Publication details: National IAS 2007Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (5). : Location(s): .
Current Science by INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Series: ; 90Material type: Text Publication details: National IAS 2006Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (6). : Location(s): .
Computer Age Series: ; 2,3Material type: Text Publication details: National Raghavan V, Bombay 1984-1985Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Computer Age Series: ; 3,4Material type: Text Publication details: National Raghavan V, Bombay 1985Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Computer Age Series: ; 1,4Material type: Text Publication details: National Raghavan V, Bombay 1983 , 1986Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Civil Engineering and Construction Review Series: ; 20Material type: Text Publication details: National S Datta, Chembers 2007Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Civil Engineering and Construction Review Series: ; 19Material type: Text Publication details: National S Datta, Chembers 2006Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (2). : Location(s): .
ComputerWorld Series: ; 5Material type: Text Publication details: National Xavier Collaco, Media Transasia India Ltd. New Delhi 1,99,92,000Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
ComputerWorld Series: ; 6Material type: Text Publication details: National Xavier Collaco, Media Transasia India Ltd. New Delhi 2001Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
ComputerWorld Series: ; 5Material type: Text Publication details: National Xavier Collaco, Media Transasia India Ltd. New Delhi 2000Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
ComputerWorld Series: ; 4Material type: Text Publication details: National Xavier Collaco, Media Transasia India Ltd. New Delhi 1999Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .
Information Communications World Series: ; 4Material type: Text Publication details: National Xavier Collaco, Media Transasia India Ltd. New Delhi 1999Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (2). : Location(s): .
Information Communications World Series: ; 5Material type: Text Publication details: National Xavier Collaco, Media Transasia India Ltd. New Delhi 2000Availability: Items available for reference: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY Not for loan (1). : Location(s): .