Introduction to Accountancy and Finance by BRISTON RICHARD J. Material type: Text Publication details: London ICMA 1981Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 657.48 BRI.
Hawley'S Condensed Chemical Dictionary by SAX IRVING N and LEWIS RICHARD J. Edition: 11thMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi C.B.S.Publishers & distributors 1990Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 660.025 SAX 11.
Hawley'S Condensed Chemical Dictionary by SAX IRVING N and LEWIS RICHARD J. Edition: 11thMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi C B S Publishers and Distributors 1990Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 660.025 SAX 11;1.
Operation Management for Cmpetive Advantage by Richard B Chase, Robert Jacobs F and Nicholas J Aquilano. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Tata Mc Graw-Hill 2002Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): .
Immunology A Short Course by COICO RICHARD, SUNSHINE GEOFFERYand BENJAMINI ELI. Edition: 5thMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Jersey John Wiely and Sons,Inc 2003Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 616.079 COI 5.
Immunology by GOLDSBY RICHARD A, KINDT THOMAS J, OSBORNE BARBARA A and KUBY JANIS. Edition: 5thMaterial type: Text Publication details: Newyork W H Freeman and Company 2003Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 616.079 GOL 5.
Immunology by GOLDSBY RICHARD A, KINDT THOMAS J, OSBORNE BARBARA A and KUBY JANIS. Edition: 5thMaterial type: Text Publication details: new York W H Freemen and Company 2003Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 616.079 GOL 5;1.
Fluid Mechanics by ALLEN THEODORE and DITSWORTH RICHARD L. Material type: Text Publication details: Tokyo Mcgraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1972Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 620.106 ALL.
Fluid Mechanics by ALLEN THEODORE and DITSWORTH RICHARD L. Material type: Text Publication details: Tokyo Mcgraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd 1972Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (2). Location(s): Call number: 620.106 ALL;1.
Intreactive Chemical Process Principles by Richard M Felder and Ronald W Rousseau. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi John Willey & Sons 2001Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): .
Pattern Classification by DUDA,RICHARD.O;HART,PETER.E. Material type: Text Publication details: Newyork John Wiley & Sons 2001Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (3). Location(s): Call number: 006.4 DUD.
Pattern Classification by DUDA RICHARD O, HART PETER E and STORK DAVID G. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi John Wiley & Sons.Inc 2004Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 006.4 DUD 2;15.
Pattern Classification by DUDA RICHARD O, HART PETER E and STORK DAVID G. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New York John Wileyn 2004Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (9). Location(s): Call number: 006.4 DUD 2.
Pattern Classification by DUDA RICHARD O, HART PETER E and STORK DAVID G. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New York John Wiley 2004Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (6). Location(s): Call number: 006.4 DUD 2;9.
Pattern Classification by DUDA RICHARD O, HART PETER E and STORK DAVID G. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi John Wiley and Sons 2006Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).
Pattern Classification by DUDA RICHARD O, HART PETER E and STORK DAVID G. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Wiley India( P) Ltd 2006Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 006.4 DUD 2;16.
TCP/IP Illustrated, The Protocols by STEVENS W RICHARD. Material type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Pearson Education 2000Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 004.62 STE.
Operations Management For Competitive Advantage by CHASE RICHARD, JACOBS F ROBERT, AQUILANO NICHOLAS J and AGARWAL NITIN K. Edition: 11thMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi T M H Pub Co Ltd Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Checked out (1). Location(s): Call number: 658.CHA.