Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools by JUNEJA B L,SEKHON G S AND AMITABHA BHATTACHARYA. Material type: Text Publication details: NEW DELHI New Age Int pvt ltd 2005Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 67102 JON.
Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools by JUNEJA B L, SEKHON G S and NITIN SETH. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: London New Age International (P) Limited Publishers 2018Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (28). Location(s): Call number: 671.53 JUN 2;0.
Modern Machine Tools Series: . Subscription No: 190674 ; 9, 10Material type: Text Publication details: Mumbai Infomedia 18 Ltd 2012-13Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): .
Modern Machine Tools Series: ; 9,10Material type: Text Publication details: Laxmi Narasimhan 2012Availability: No items available :
Design of Machine Tools by BASU S K and PAL D K. Edition: 2ndMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1983Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 BAS 2.
Design of Machine Tools by BASU S K and PAL D K. Edition: 3rdMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1989Availability: No items available : Withdrawn (8).
Design of Machine Tools by BASU S K and PAL D K. Edition: 3rdMaterial type: Text Publication details: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1989Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (6). Withdrawn (3). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 BAS 3.
Using Assembly Language by WYATT ALLEN L. Material type: Text Publication details: DUBAI Q U E corporation 1987Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 005.13 WYA;1.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools by KOREN YORAM and BEN-URI JOSEPH. Material type: Text Publication details: Delhi Khanna Publishers 1978Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (2). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 3 KOR.
Elements of Workshop Technology vol II by HUJRA EHOUCLHURY.S.K, BOSE,S.K and CHOUDHURY,A.K.H. Material type: Text Publication details: BOMBAY Media promoters and Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 HAJ.
Elements of Workshop Technology vol II by HUJRA EHOUCLHURY.S.K, BOSE,S.K, and CHOUDHURY,A.K.H. Material type: Text Publication details: BOMBAY Media promoters and Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 HAJ.
Elements of Workshop Technology vol II by HUJRA EHOUCLHURY.S.K, BOSE,S.K, and CHOUDHURY,A.K.H. Material type: Text Publication details: BOMBAY Media promoters and Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 HAJ.
Elements of Workshop Technology vol II by HUJRA EHOUCLHURY.S.K , BOSE,S.K , and CHOUDHURY,A.K.H. Material type: Text Publication details: BOMBAY Media promoters and Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 HAJ.
Elements of Workshop Technology vol II by HUJRA EHOUCLHURY.S.K , BOSE,S.K,and CHOUDHURY,A.K.H. Material type: Text Publication details: BOMBAY Media promoters and Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991Availability: No items available : Withdrawn (1).
Principles of Machine Tools by SEN GOPAL CHANDRA and AMITABHA BHATTACHARYYA. Material type: Text Publication details: Calcutta New Central Book Agency 1988Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Withdrawn (4). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 SEN;9.
Principles of Machine Tools by SEN GOPAL CHANDRA and AMITABHA BHATTACHARYYA. Material type: Text Publication details: Calcutta New Central Book 1999Availability: Items available for loan: MVJCE CENTRAL LIBRARY (1). Location(s): Call number: 621.902 SEN.